Industrial investment :
  • "FORCAN"
    Investment type: factory expansion
    Location: Tczew ul. Rokicka
    Realization date: 2002 r.
    Area: 3.800 m²
    Function: coordinator of investments
    Investor: Forcan SA

  • MBF
    Investment type: factory expansion
    Location: Tczew ul. Skarszewska
    Realization date: 2004-2005 r.
    Area: 4.300 m²
    Function: Project supervision
    Investor: MBF Sp. z o.o.

    Investment type: factory expansion
    Location: Lębork ul. Pionierów
    Realization date: 2004 r.
    Area: 4.787 m²
    Function: Project supervision
    Investor: Laurin Seafood Sp. z o.o.

  • Centrum Logistyczne "BIK-4"
    Investment type: Office building, shipping hall
    Location: Pruszcz Gdański
    Realization date: 2005 -2007 r.
    Area: 10.000 m²
    Function: Project supervision
    Investor: BIK-4 SA
W zakresie inwestycji przemysłowych:
    Investment type: warehouse hall
    Location: Gdańsk, ul. Galaktyczna
    Realization date: 2005-2006 r.
    Area: 2.800 m²
    Function: Managing contractor
    Investor: UNITAL

    Investment type: Office building, production hall
    Location: PSSE Tczew, ul. Malinowska
    Realization date: 2005-2006 r.
    Area: 3.200 m²
    Function: coordinator of investments
    Investor: CARTONDRUCK Sp. z o.o.

    Investment type: factory expansion
    Location: Gościcino, ul. Słoneczna 38
    Realization date: 2005-2006 r.
    Area: 2.200 m²
    Function: Managing contractor
    Investor: POLIPACK Sp. j.

    Investment type: production office - warehouse works
    Location: Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, ul. Okunin 134
    Realization date: 2010-2011 r.
    Area: około 14.500 m²
    Function: Managing contractor
    Investor: EcoWipes Sp. z o.o.


Davon Sp. z o.o.       +48 58 762 30 65